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Natural Amethyst Stone Earrings


Choose your simple elegant crystal stud. 

While choosing your earring, look at the properties of each crystal. 


Physical: Immune boost - Deeper sleep - Migraine relief 

Spiritual: Intuition - Third eye awakening - Reduces negative energic influences

Emotional: Balanced emotions - Calm mind - Courage - Decision making

Clear Quartz

Physical:  Stimulates the immune system - Clears toxins

Mental & Emotional Healing: Protects against negative energy - Stimulates brighter feelings

Spiritual:  Encourages spiritual growth - Connects with all the chakras

Jade Quartz 

Physical: H ugely potent cleansing stone  known to benefit the kidneys, bladder, and spleen -   Helping organs to heal from toxins - Fights infections

Emotional : Self love - L etting go of negative thought patterns - Empowered to stand on your two feet.

Spiritual: F lushing out negative energy - Harmony  - A ssociated with the heart chakra.

Agate Quartz 

Physical: C entering and stabilizing physical energy - Brings great strength - Speak your truth

Emotional: Grounding - S oothing and calming healing stone - Builds self confidence and self esteem

Spiritual: B alances yin yang energy - Acceptance of one's self - I mprove concentration
